ECB/ESCA Under 14 National Championship
At secondary school level the first competition on offer for boys cricket is the ECB/ESCA Under 14 competition. In Wiltshire this takes the form of a knockout tournament from which a county winner is established to go on and represent Wiltshire in national rounds the following year as Under 15s. Currently, Ali Goddard from Wiltshire Cricket adminsters this competition so please contact him if you are from a secondary school and wish to enter the competition.
ECB/ESCA Under 15 T20 Competition
The second secondary school competition for boys is the ECB/ESCA Under 15 T20 competition. It also starts as a county competition which then progresses to regional and national rounds, but is completed in the one year. It is also administered by Ali Goddard. Please contact him if you are a secondary school and wish to enter this competition.
Chance to Compete Competition
Under the banner of Chance to Shine we also deliver Chance to Compete indoor and outdoor competitions, at both under 13 and under 15 age groups. More information on these festivals can be found here